Write a Politician
If you want to start enacting change for the better one of the first things to try is to write to politicians to let them know how you would like things to change. Beyond that, encourage others who share that desire for change, or even just support that change, to also write to a politician. The more people that write or push for a change the more reason for the politician to act. If they don't act after a significant number of people start asking for the same change, then it may be time to try and find someone to take their place. If they are an elected official a suitable replacement will need to run against them. If your politicians are not elected, the road to change is unfortunately harder and may require measures one would prefer not to take but may become necessary.
If you haven't a lot of time to write a letter a simple statement like "I would like to see a system similar to party4.amicable.life/funding" at least gets the idea out there however something that is more specific about the changes you would like to see happen is better and putting it in your own words and ideas shows you aren't just blindly repeating something you don't truly understand.
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